Wednesday, December 29, 2010

.: ExPlAnAtIoN :.

Why do you get so mad
When I talk shit on my brother and my dad?
Why do you let things Slide when it comes to them.
If I fuck up once its feels like abandonment
Why cant you open your eyes
And see
The world doesn't revolve around materialistic things

Don't validate me
I talk the way I talk
Dress the way I dress.
So just accept
Why should I apologize

For being the way that I am?
I'm not ashamed
For all this shit that I claim.
Just do me the favor
And don't take the blame here
You did nothing wrong 
You weren't a fucked up mom
You were always their 
During every one of my affiars
Voice Lessons,
Band Concerts,
Everything that you knew really mattered.
Back in the day,
It seemed like I didn't care
Didn't appreciate
For every cent you threw out their
And especially 
For your #1 heart ache.
I saw my dad
Always late
Never there
Always demanding
Never took the time
To realize the real women in you.
All the pain he put you through.
You didn't need to accept
Even though you did.
Thats why I can't put the pieces together
Of the Calderon Puzzle.

The people who never really said thank you
The ones who use you 
Talk shit about you
Treat you like you are nothing 
Just for being a women
But they get treated better
Then the ones that try to make you feel
The ones who let you know
You are equal.
No matter what your race,
Your title,
Or your gender.
Don't take offense
To whatever I just said
If you didn't see the point,
I'm really saying thank you.
All i want is an explanation.
Why you get so mad
When I talk shit on my brother and my dad?

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

* HeY yOu WhItE gIrl *

Your shit does stink.
Your not cool,
With your Chanel bag and Ugg boots.
Look at me when I talk to you.
I know you can understand me 
Even though I'm Mexican
I do know English 
Do I have a authentic accent,
Don't think your so hot,
With your died platinum hair.
And your surgically implanted boobs.  
You are not Barbie

Your mouth won't keep shut
Your a golddigging slut.
With your alimony money.
Just hold a sign,
Right above your head.
That simply says.
" Will open my legs,
With a credit check"

I know your tan is fake.
Your white okay...
Just accept it
Step back on the helium
That you pretend is inserted in your ass
Cause bitch your voice is annoying
With your 
"Oh my gods"
" Whatevers"
Tell me can you say anything that's clever.
Don't go to my favorite restarant 
To order a fucking salad.

Go home and make your rabbit food yourself.
If you go out to dinner
Eat Bitch!!!
It wont go straight to your Silicone ass 
I promise.
If not its nothing a Liposuction treatment can't fix.
Raise your kids yourself 
Like a regular American.
You don't need help 
Boo Hoo to you
For not being able to have you daily spa treatment

Or weekly Pedicure.
Spend some quality time with your children
Not on yourself.
I'm sick and tired of your stupid white girls
I don't like dropping my i.q just for you
Someone please alert the goverment.
That they should start charging a new tax.
For stupid bimbos like you!!

This is not intended for all white women.

Monday, December 27, 2010

* WhAtS yOuR fEtIsH *

I had no Christmas this year...
My mom is in Arizona.
And their is no fucking way 
I am going to be stuck
In a car for ten hours with the 
Asshole, The " Homemaker" and the prick
Sorry mom.
Christmas was not worth that much agony...
Its supposed to be the time of cheer.
Plus who wants to be with family on Christmas
To watch low life's sit and use my mother for presents.
Hey Assholes
She's worth more than her credit card...
So My real family...
(Mom and Alex aside)
Rearranged my room,
Hung out,
Drank eggnog by the fire....
Ha ha just kidding about the fire and nog part..
And we went to FETISH BALL
At Area 51.
So the whole gang got together 
had a Birthday/ Christmas together

I was so happy
  I got to bust out the tutu again ha ha 

Of coarse once everyone was ready .... 
WE had to make or Christmas cards for the year ..
A little late i know but here the are

Ha ha
I love them
So when we went to area...
Everyone kept buying me drinks....
I learned alot to...
Like I like my shots dressed,
I prefer sex on the beach as a 
Shooter then a drink
Ha ha I was way wasted..
Hick was their as well

Oh my let me tell you how cute Hick is....
I have a love for this man...
HE is amazing
He is incredible
I would marry him in a hearbeat...
 Laugh all you want but i am
With forrest gump.
Well this hick guy can quote forrest gump
more than i can...
And sounds like him naturally... ha ha

Oh my it was hot....
So...I drank
I Danced
I peed
& Flushed
& Peed some more

Once the seal was broken 
It was 

It was so much fun...
A much needed Christmas.
Sorry mom that Chris and I couldn't see you
But like i said before we will have our own soon.

Friday, December 24, 2010

* DaDdY's LiTtLe GirL *

Stand up straight

Lose more weight
Don't tag me on your facebook page.

Do not speak

Kiss my feet

Don't tell lies

Close your eyes

Get out of bed.
Close your legs
What is wrong with your fucked up head.

Dont do drugs

Wheres my hug
Don't test me or ill pull the plug
Be a lady 
Don't Drive me Crazy

What happened to my little baby,
Your constant bitchen
Clean the Kitchen
Why don't you listen?
Not on time
Did no crime
 No I won't give YOU a dime

Your not a dad
 And thats just sad
 Oh how you make me mad

Your a prick
Suck a Dick
Dont play those stupid tricks
Where were you
The time just flew
now Look at me and you... were through
Im Not Sitting

In not waiting

Im running now
Away from you.

You didnt care
My daddy bear
See my heart....

Now watch it tear

You didnt try
You didnt cry

Now all i ask is why

You Just talk, never listen,
How dare you call yourself a Christian.

Open up!
Who is the real You?
Do you even know?

You have a wife
She gave you a perfect life
now all you do is cause her stife
All you do is use and abuse
but if you had to choose
Who means more to you?
Your wife ,Your mother
Your Family, Your money, My brother
Can their be no other
You will lose one way or another.
Just a game
For all your "fame"
Do you know you look lame
Do you really know what that means
Open your eyes and see
That your world doesn't include me