Wednesday, December 29, 2010

.: ExPlAnAtIoN :.

Why do you get so mad
When I talk shit on my brother and my dad?
Why do you let things Slide when it comes to them.
If I fuck up once its feels like abandonment
Why cant you open your eyes
And see
The world doesn't revolve around materialistic things

Don't validate me
I talk the way I talk
Dress the way I dress.
So just accept
Why should I apologize

For being the way that I am?
I'm not ashamed
For all this shit that I claim.
Just do me the favor
And don't take the blame here
You did nothing wrong 
You weren't a fucked up mom
You were always their 
During every one of my affiars
Voice Lessons,
Band Concerts,
Everything that you knew really mattered.
Back in the day,
It seemed like I didn't care
Didn't appreciate
For every cent you threw out their
And especially 
For your #1 heart ache.
I saw my dad
Always late
Never there
Always demanding
Never took the time
To realize the real women in you.
All the pain he put you through.
You didn't need to accept
Even though you did.
Thats why I can't put the pieces together
Of the Calderon Puzzle.

The people who never really said thank you
The ones who use you 
Talk shit about you
Treat you like you are nothing 
Just for being a women
But they get treated better
Then the ones that try to make you feel
The ones who let you know
You are equal.
No matter what your race,
Your title,
Or your gender.
Don't take offense
To whatever I just said
If you didn't see the point,
I'm really saying thank you.
All i want is an explanation.
Why you get so mad
When I talk shit on my brother and my dad?

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